Wednesday 22 May 2013

Blender ot Maya?

I have been a user of Blender 2.4 to 2.7 for over 5 years now, in this time I have seen its development and many upgrades to stay up to speed with mainstream programs such as Maya, you can now export blender files into a Maya reconized flie,, but cant export from maya to blender...damn , My interests in animation started with Stop-Motion but later became 3D. I was 1st introduced to it by my teacher in High School. Back then blender was in 2.3 and all I could do was add a “Suzanne” monkey head.  At this time blender 2.3’s user interface was not user friendly and with the users limited knowledge about shortcuts or tabs and it also offered little support. This was very annoying so I stopped using it

Some years later when I was attending Leeds Tomas Danby I started to talk to one of the tutors about blender and Maya, and he told me about their open source movies elephants dream (movies to show the programs feature), something I had no idea about. After watching them and seeing the new interface I decided to try it out again. Blender 2.5 introduced many new features and a massive upgrade to its game engine and user interface, (I tried and made a very basic character controlled game)

In the following years Blender has been caching up to Maya's Quality standards, but like any other open source programs it has limitations. Now since attending Leeds College of art (DGFA) I have been using Maya for a few months now. It was hard to get us to the interface at first, and short cuts (because I would use some blander short cuts instead of Maya and messing stuff up) an example of this is "S' in Maya that sets a key frame, but in blender it scales an object. I have been asked by my friends/family if I will stop using blender, who knows, maybe but not right now since I still perfume Blender over Maya. But with a little patience and practice, I should be able transfer my knowledge over to Maya

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