Since I was unable to finish to animation in time and with only 40% (if that) being animated,
I had to fall back on some High res Tests,here are a few play blasts to demonstrate what it should be like without waiting hours for it to render+editing. In addition they are a few Renders of ‘key’ pints to demonstrate what it should look like...
Also they is no sound with this video as the nature of the editing, (inserting still renders) it would put the audio out of sink,,,,that or have a odd drop in audio,,, so i apologize for the silent viewing
Here we see a child happy reading a book, the idea is they will be rain outside of the window
The books image serves as a transition between the Girls world and the would inside the book
the story follow a girl in red trying to get back to the path. when a wight wolf backs out of the trees into her, making her fall
this is near the end, as the Girl looks inwards, a beast is looking at her, in a revers shot, the beast is seen lurking out of the shadows and moving towards her!
Clash of thunder wakes the girl from her dream, with a shock and surprise she realizes the storm outside and sits to watch it.
this is the final shot, and the credits follow soon after. the books title is also the animations title. this is also the same book i intend the Girl in Red to be carrying (instead of a basket of food)
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