Monday 31 March 2014

Dev 3 Meet the Cast of Project BR

       Elder Brother
Name: Un Know
Clan: Cyan

Bio: He is an out Going adventures boy who will always put his brother and tries safety before his own, his tribe has rewarded him for his bravery with three pieces of armour. The armour place around his forearm bares his Clans logo.  Only them who are worth can carry the Clans logo with them.

One day he was part way though his “coming of age” ceremony until his little brother found himself in danger after watching his elder brother preform a task. He abandoned his task to save his brother from certain death. This act of selfless bravery leads him to receive a permanent scar across his left eye. And respect from his pears.

Quote: if I can’t protect the people I hold ear, then my life is worthless. I must become better

Younger Brother

Name: Un Know
Clan: Cyan

Bio: he is a shy timed boy who is forever under his elder brother’s shadow unable to show his potential. He dreams of a day when he will have the honour to carry the mark of his clan. With his brother always interfering with his attempts, this will never come to pass.

One day he was watching his elder brother preform a service of tasks for his “coming of age ceremony” when noticed a beast like animal approaching his brother’s blind spit. This was his chance to prove he’s not just an inconvenience. He failed to kill the animal and almost lost his own life in the careless act.

Quote: I will surpass me older brother and receive the honour I deserve

Name: UN Know
Age: Elder
Clan: Crimson

Bio:  This Hot Tempered Butcher works at the Cyan-inn despite belonging to the Crimson Clan, the reason of this is because he lost his respected tittle as Master Hunter & Butcher- this tittle was given due he has outstanding hearing meaning he’s the best at hunting, and he only cooks what he kills.

He was banned from his clan for unlawfully killing live-stock and charging the needed more then what was needed for his services. And even hilling some of his own people.

Quote: if it breaths, it can be killed, if it can be killed it can be eaten

The Phantom

Name: UnKnow
Date of Death: unknown 
Age of Death: 17
Former Clan: Cyan

Bio: The Phantom was one the human form of The elder Brother, untill one tragic day that cost his life.
After hsi death, he spent 6 months earching for his little brother, in hopes he didnt mean the same fate. till one day he finds his killer and takes his revenge

Quote: Unknown

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