Thursday 5 March 2015

04 of 32: Red Riding Hood films and TV adaptations

Film adaptations of a short fairy tale,,, sure nothing can possibly go wrong right? Thought the years many people and film companies such as Disney have made their own version of Little red Riding hood, most stay True to the original materials and events from the story, some adding a slight darker realisam touch to the story and others such  break away from the original story and try to create something new.

such as the computer-animated 2005 film “Hoodwinked!” where it takes the folktale of Little Red Riding Hood and re tells oddly as a police investigation, the film makes us of flashbacks to show multiple characters' points of view. The film is ok at most, but with its nonlinear story development and different point of views it makes it hard to enjoy let alone understand why any of it was needed, saying that it was a good idea but stupid and really kids as times.

And on the other side of the scale we have 1984 “The Company of Wolves” and it is British Gothic Fantasy-Horror film based  of the Werewolf stories that can be found in “the Blood Chamber” by Angela Carter. The film primarily focuses on the darker side of some stories. The Company of Wolfs main protagonist is a 16 year old girl named Rosaleen, who loves spending time with her granny. During her stay at grannies, she’s told of a few werewolf stores and she's later given a red cloak that the granny was making for Rosaleen’s elder sister. This effectively makes Rosaleen become Little Red Riding Hood. Even tho the film is not directory based of Little Red Riding Hood, it does contain some of the stories narrative, i.e the Red cloak, taking a basket of items to Grannys, and the much loved “Oh my what big eyes you have…..what big teeth you have… and what big arms you have” however this is where the similarities end, since in the end the wolf kills the granny, and somehow Rosaleen (Red riding hood?) turns into a werewolf herself.

Another adaptation of Little red Riding Hood, named “Red Riding Hood 2011” …(pending view of film)

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