Thursday 21 May 2015

17 of 25, Posters: Little Red

With some research done I started to make my own little posters. It seems kind of stupid and pointless to make a one for the End of year exhibition for an animation that isn't even completed or near completed (the best its going to be is Play blasts.). So its highly unlikely the animation would even be in the show…regardless to this I spent a few hours making a couple of posters that might have demonstrated the animations idea and story. I the poster in the style of typical Animation related posters. Its main characters in main focused and in the front, with the lesser characters (or bad guys..) behind them looking down or otherwise ‘evil’

Since the animation for Extended Practice was based upon Little Red riding hood, the posters main central point would be Little Red and the Wolf standing in the middle of a wooded path. And towards the bottom 1/3 of the poster I decided to place the main character, well one of them, is on her bed reading a book so I made. And just like the few posters I looked at, I placed the Shadow Wolf above them with a dark ‘fog’ coming downwards from the tree tops, far background and sides as if the darkness is closing in. in addition as a small side detail. Since the story is a book, and its just a dream, the outer edges of the poster have the books pages as details…

I had thought of doing the animation in another way. Withal the characters looking at each other (in a landscape format). With Mika and Little Red looking towards each other as a mirror image. The wolf in front and center between then both and the Shadow Beast behind him… but I decided against it as it didn't really demonstrate what the story is

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